가끔 자녀들이 컴퓨터 하시는 모습을 보면서 아이의 자세 때문에 걱정 하시는 부모님들이 많으실텐데요 저도 부모님 한테 “아이고 목빠지겠다 자세좀 바로...
9275 Baltimore National PIke #104, Ellicott City, MD 21042 Call Us: 1-410-480-0083
Recent News & Stories
November 13, 2018November 13, 2018
유아 척추 측만증
많은 부모님들께서 아이들의 키성장에 많은 관심을 가지고 있습니다. 불규칙적인 생활습관, 잘못된 식습관, 비만체형, 근육량의 불균형등 여러가지의 요인들로 아이들의 성장이 방해를 받으며, 특히 바르지 못한자세는 아이들의...
November 13, 2018November 13, 2018
내 허리가 허리 디스크 인가?
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November 13, 2018June 11, 2021
교통사고 후유증(Whiplash injury)
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I’ve had neck and upper back pain for 3 months.and I signed up for see how I progress with Dr. Kim and now after 2 months I can turn my neck to look over my shoulder with more ease. Being that it was my first time to see a chiropractor, they’ve also made the intro smooth and calming. One of the best decisions I’ve made. I wish I had known about it earlier. Thank you Dr. Kim and all the staff was very friendly , professional.
Brian Burke
Best chiropractor I’ve been to. I’ve had this sharp pain in my lower back for awhile now. From the first adjustment, I felt a huge difference, after 3 visits the pain is gone, if it ever comes back I know where to go.
And everyone who works here is extremely professional and welcomes you like family.
I will definitely be back and would recommend Dr. Kim to my friends and family.
Andrew Cosford
Graphic Designer
Yea-Seul LimIf u want a relaxing and friendly atmosphere, i’d definitely recommend this place. Dr. Kim and his team are very friendly and helpful. His treatments are pretty effective also the prices are reasonable.